(From left) Miss Jacqueline Cho, Ms Rochelle Chan, Ms Irene Leung, Mr. Tang Kim Fai, Prof. Frank Fu, Mr. So Wing Kin, Mr. Allan Kwong, Ir Dr. K.K. Wong, Dr. Ronald Lu, Dr. John Chan, Mr. Timothy Lam Jr., Mr. Cheng Yan Kee, Mrs. Lily Chan, Ms Melanie Lee, Dr. Lobo Louie, Miss Brenda Wan, Ms Carrie Chan and Miss Patsy Chung
Dr. Ronald Lu
Chairman of Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Ltd. and
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation
Ir Dr. K.K. Wong, SBS, JP
Group Chairman & CEO of Kum Shing Group and
Co-Chairman of the Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation
Dr. John Chan
Chairman of Chaifa Holdings Ltd. and
Co-Chairman of the Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation
Mr. Cheng Yan Kee, JP
Director of H.K. Cheng & Partners Ltd. and
Deputy Chairman of the Council & Court, HKBU
Mr. Allan Kwong
Group President of Regal Holdings Corporation
Mr. Timothy Lam, Jr.
Director & CEO of Mutual Property Management Co. Ltd.
Mr. So Wing Kin
Managing Director of Glad Link Properties Ltd.
Mr. Simon Suen
Chairman of SML Group Ltd.
Ex-Officio Member
Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP
Associate Vice-President of HKBU and
Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation
Mrs. Lily Chan
Director of University Advancement, HKBU
Ms. Melanie Lee
Director of Alumni Affairs, HKBU
Dr. Lobo Louie
Associate Professor of Department of Physical Education, HKBU
Mr. Tang Kim Fai
Senior Lecturer of Department of Physical Education, HKBU